well this has made me think back to when I first discovered the riddle games by complete accident, but with that I've always loved playing them and have trusted you, and know that well you know what you're doing which is why I've never really pestered you about making anymore or when they'd be made. I've also always realized that well you have a life outside of the internet and making these games, which is good that you mentioned that most people like me don't know how hard these are to make and well I hope the best for you I'd love to say more but it's hard to condense down my words right now but this was very thought filled and inspirational to me personally. You have a nice calming voice which is good for what you try to tell all of us and I feel a bit better connected now and I enjoyed this it actually means something to me being a fan of what you've done and if I ever could be of any service in the future I hope that I could help in some way. Well I give you my best of wishes and I'll enjoy the other games of this new series and anything else you might make in the future when that time comes, thank you for sharing this with us it was truly humbling to me.
sorry, man... I want to yell at everyone else, but..... I know I'm another one of those people who didn't care about you, your personal life, anything... I love you (in a non-homosexual way) but you're great and listening to your personal story, I'm sorry. you're great, and you deserve way more respect then you're getting. Thank you for not commiting suicide... I don't really know what to say because I am just as equal to you as all of your other fans, when I still feel like we have a connection. because you are such a great person... and life is hard... we all know it is. It's not fair and we should all be much happier... but with the world we are given, it's not always easy. I would like to just say that I am DEEPLY sorry, I should have given you more respect from day 1... I can't honestly think of a time where I asked you about... YOU. Just RT1 RT2 blah blah blah... I'm not smart enough to give you an actual apology, but I hope this was ok... seeya.
Don't worry, you're not one of those people whom I found to be uncaring or pestering. I remember enjoying most if not all the messages you've sent me. Either way, I appreciate it.