This was epic got 1 more grapefruit on 18! I can't do the time trial! I keep getting nervous and messing up! Any tips?
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Joined on 7/8/05
This was epic got 1 more grapefruit on 18! I can't do the time trial! I keep getting nervous and messing up! Any tips?
You had 8 of these comments before so I went ahead and removed them fore you. That happens to everybody, so no worries there.
The best tip I can give is this video I made which contains my best attempt at the Time Trial Run: fVUZhMHp-E
It helps to memorize which direction you need to start going at the beginning of each stage, and depending on how you're beating Room 13, you might not realize it's possible to beat it a little bit faster which the technique I have in the video.
OK im only submitting this comment once XDLOL ok I finally got the grapefruit! all of them yes time trial is next wish me luck!
Phew, finally got time to play the game.
At first it looked like a simple puzzle game, but after level 19, it really had a backstory.
I liked the fact that the father and the other siblings had angel wings while GOV had demon wings.
I had to look at a walkthrough to know how to continue instead of getting the bad end, and also for two grapefruits, but at least i did both time trails and the expert levels by myself.
P.S. Do you have the song that plays during the time trails? I know that it's pretty much the same as "Command" but I like the time trails one more.
Great game anyway, thanks for sharing it with us.
You can listen to that song here: 5_3GclsMRc
I don't have it up for download anywhere, but I probably should. You could always try converting the video to an MP3, I suppose.
Thank you very much!
I have an unrelated question: Why do you put a space between links? newgrounds does not censor them or anything...
Newgrounds automatically puts spaces in any long string of text.
asdfjlaskdmfalskdfmlaksdmflaksdmf laskdfmlaskdfmlfnklaskdnflaksmdfl kasmdlfkmasdlfkm
^ (So, I didn't put any spaces in that, for example.)
Oh, I see. Sorry for asking dumb questions.
Not a dumb question, it was an honest question
Awesomest game ever.
Hey Jonbro, you might remember me from a couple of post back. But anyway I just wanted to say great game:) Best of luck in your next project!