This Madness is so darn close to a 10.
This Madness isn't quite as epic as classics like Madness Avenger for a few reasons--mostly the situational clarity. None of the Madness movies make perfect sense, obviously, but this one kinda left me lost.
Does this movie take place during the events of the eighth, or directly after? Who are the two clever killers introduced at the beginning? What did the superbeing wrapped in burning darkness 'awaken' near the middle of the movie? And for what reason does Hank have the claw of a lobster in place of his right arm?
Every episode in the Madness series is unusual in one way or another, but this one outdid the rest in strangeness, especially with the lobster-arm, which was a fairly distracting detail from the commotion between the characters... And the Madness has gone a good while without real explanations for its changes--like the yellow-blooded masked security guards, for instance... Or who the fiery guy with red glasses is, and what his true role in everything is. I doubt it will ever really be explained.
Of course, maybe there IS no "method" to this "Madness." If these questions went unanswered, and the truth was that Madness just takes all the coolest ultraviolent action that its genius creator can dream up and jam-packs it into random little segments of non-sequitor plot twists for his and many fans' bloodthirsty enjoyment... I can certainly live with that.
This was still a really cool addition to the series. You went all-out with the special effects and camera angles in this one, especially the truck chase at the beginning and creative uses of weapons throughout. Your eye for detail has improved, even though it's already past most animators on Newgrounds. It was also refreshing to listen to Cheshyre's pulsing tune in the movie, because it kind of reminded me of music in earlier episodes of the series, namely Apotheosis.
Strange though this latest episode may be, it's still a good feeling to see another Madness by the legendary Krinkels.