Total Medals Earned: 1,066 (From 179 different games.) Total Medal Score: 16,420 Points
Medals Earned: 19/19 (645/645 points)
It sure is animaly in here
Yum Yum
Is it edible?
Credit where credit is due
Listen to a song used in the game
Good job!
Oh my goodNess!
Well, maybe not THAT famous
Should've kept you Locke-d up
You Won!
Legend has it the Toppat's have this sword
Fail a Total of 100 Times
Get All 60 Unique Fails
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 8/8 (365/365 points)
Boss #1
Boss #2
Boss #3
Crash the game... and your computer?
Boss #5
Boss #4
Boss #6
Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/500 points)
Lose a life on the stakes.
Lose a life on the second level.
Die electrocuted
Achieve 30,000 points
Achieve 50,000 points
Finish all 25 levels
Finish level 19 without using the visibility item.
Finish all 25 levels using only your first three lives.
Achieve 75,000 points
Find the invisible medal somewhere in the game
Medals Earned: 3/4 (80/180 points)
Complete level 2
Finish level 6
Beat level 10
Finish the game
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
Continue to play for 30 seconds after the movie ends.
Medals Earned: 3/3 (150/150 points)
Muscle your way to the end with Reemus.
Follow Liam's logic to a watery escape.
Help Reemus relieve some roach tension.
Medals Earned: 1/10 (10/450 points)
Found all Powerups and Crystal Hearts.
Beat the game on Normal mode.
Beat the game with zero deaths.
Beat the game on Hard mode.
Beat the game with zero enemy kills.
Beat the game in under 6 minutes.
Get 3 or more stars on the ending statistics.
Beat the game on Death mode.
Medals Earned: 2/5 (150/375 points)
Got rid of all the garden weeds
Relax at the sauna
Burned all the buildings.
Hunt and eat the deer
Medals Earned: 5/27 (30/1,000 points)
Kill 10 Gnomes while enraged
Kill over 50 Gnomes
Fight the Boss in ACT I
Complete the Tutorial Level
Kill a Gnome in one hit
Discover ancient Skull Statues
Complete Act I
Complete Act II
Fight the Boss in ACT II
Sever 20 Gnome heads in a row
Kill an entire Level of Gnomes with the heads of other Gnomes
Kill over 100 Gnomes
Complete Act III
Fight the Boss in ACT III
Kill an entire level of Gnomes with nothing but your bare hands
Complete the Game!
Fight the Gnome King!
Collect 15 Precious Gems
Find all of the 8 hidden Cameo Swords
Medals Earned: 1/11 (25/500 points)
destroy 10 boulders in a single Rage
Collect all 10 gems in a single run
use every antitode orb to recover from poisoning in a single run
Collect all health orbs in a single run
Collect all rage orbs in a single run
survive for 3 minutes
Destroy 20 boulders in a single Rage
Reach the bottom of the Giant Pit